About Therapy
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About Therapy


Are you frustrated with your life? Do you only see small wins, if any at all? Have you visited several doctors, professionals, and services, only to feel like you are hitting a brick wall, going through a very long tunnel or untangling a messy piece of wire?

Has anyone told you that it is you - that you need to 'be less anxious', 'worry less', or 'do less'?

Do you feel like you are losing your sense of who you are, and your identity? 

You are not alone. But, it can feel very lonely at the time.

Please feel welcome to get in touch and see how we can work together. Your mind was not designed for long-term stress, and I want to empower you to feel you can have a sense of control, a beacon of light for direction and hope. 

Starting therapy is your choice: to address something that does not sit comfortably within your mind or body. It might impact your relationship with others, yourself, work, or education. You may be looking to have some space to explore and understand what is bothering you.

Click on the rest of the links under the heading, or below on the list, to find out more:

What happens next?


  What happens next?

What happens next?

What next? If you decide to start working with me, the next steps to cover are the following: Contact me via the contact form. For standard online/face to face work: We will agree a time and place or format to meet for the assessment. Before the first appointment, I will email you the consent form, terms and conditions and privacy policy for... read more »



Please see connectionstrainingtherapy.co.uk for updated informationread more »